Thursday, March 6, 2008

Resort Wildlife

I've been meaning to add this to a post since we've been here at Ko'Olina but it never fit in so I'm giving it a post of it's own. Now, when I say wildlife - I'm not talking about wild carryings-on by us - no, not at all - I'm talking about the animals around here who keep us company while we miss our furbabies, Ilio & Kutta, at home.

One of the first aspects of the resort we noticed was the large Koi Pond. It is an addition since the last time we were here. In reading about it, we learned it was set up a little over a year ago by two men who had never done a koi pond before - evidently it is not an easy thing to do and takes just the right conditions and maintenance. Well, not only have the fish thrived, but they have multiplied recently and little baby koi are swimming around - that is also quite a feat that they would reproduce so quickly. So we have enjoyed watching them. In fact our dinner last night was right next to the pond - so close in fact, that if Craig has pushed his chair back a little farther, he would have been swimming with the koi!

Second, we must talk about the bids. There are several species we can identify - an unusual black bird, the Hawaiian cardinal (mainly white and gray with red on his head), sparrows and something that resembles a small pigeon. Well, they are very friendly and if food is out, they are even friendlier. See, we have our lunch at one of the picnic tables near the pool area every day and sure enough, a few will even hop up on the picnic table and wait for a little treat. They will come within inches of your hand - they know no fear. They actually can be a little too aggressive and you have to shoo them away and make them wait to pick up crumbs when you are done. Reminds me of two hungry chocolate labs at home that I know!

The other thing about these birds that is so predictable - every evening, right at dusk they gather in the tops of the trees and begin to "chatter." And I mean it is LOUD! If you are walking beneath the trees during that time you can hardly talk to the person next to you. By the time it gets dark all is quiet - guess they have gone to bed.

So, other than a few stray cats who seem to roam the place but keep out of sight during the day, that is the collection of wildlife who have kept us company these past two weeks.

Looking forward to coming home to our own wildlife!

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